
File a Complaint​​​

​Maryland Statute §5-710: 

A person who acts in good faith and within the scope of the jurisdiction of the Board is not civilly liable for giving information to the Board or otherwise participating in its activities. 

​The Board is responsible for investigating complaints against licensed Physical Therapists and Physical Therapist Assistants and will take action against any licensee who fails to uphold the standards of the Maryland Physical Therapy Act. 

The Board is required by law to prove that a licensee has breached the Maryland Physical Therapy Act and conduct a thorough investigation prior to issuing any charges against a licensee. 

Minor complaints may be resolved within a few weeks. Complaints resulting in a full investigation take longer so we ask for your patience during the investigative process.


Not sure if your should file a com​plaint? Download our Compla​int Brochure​ for more information. Questions? Contact the office at 410-764-4718 or email​​​.

​If you are ready to file a complaint, please complete our Complaint For​m​ ​and submit it to the Board of Physical Therapy Examiners for review. ​